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Thozhar Trust was started on 27th March 2004, by five young people who were interested in the Social Service activities.
Objectives: Blood Donation for the need and the people met with the accidents and at the time of requirements.
Burning the unclaimed and orphan dead bodies with proper formalities. Thozhar Trust has been registered under the government on 10th April 2004. The Reg No: 528/2004.
A person is getting all kinds of service from fellow-human being while he is alive. But a person after his death gets service from the people very rarely.

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Only Social Organizations Good people with loving hearts are only rendering services to the person after death.
Hospitals, aged persons died in the street, train accident victims, unknown persons died in the road accidents, person died due to AIDS, aged person died in aged old-age homes, a person died without any facility for his funeral. So far we have arranged funerals to more than 2,000 bodies
We are inculcating this kind of social service in the mind of College Students, School Students as well as transgenders.
So far we have donated more than 17,500 Units of Blood to the Government Hospitals.